Bon Jour mon amies,
A quick blog today. Its a nuisance not having internet at my hosts home. Lots of homework for me last night and today was one of those frustrating lessons. I think I am going to have to cut the day tripping and do more homework!Eh bien!!! Zut!!!Chouette!
Today we continued the never ending quest looking for the perfect crème brulee. Its going to be a bugger if we find it! We found some new food markets to wander through as well as some quirky little rues with petite boutiques. Then...we heard the whistles and you all know what that means... another manifestation. Today the infermiere (nurses) marched for a 10% increase. I am actually getting to like the manifestations (as loud as they are).
Talking about loud, last night at 11pm a guitarist began playing flamenco music at the bottom of my bedroom window. Even though I am on 2nd floor it's loud, as the buildings across the Rue are close. He was then accompanied by a man with a piano accordion. I hung out the window for some time and watched and listened. Can always sleep when we return home. The girls also have noise problems where they are staying but theirs is of a different origin. They have several Indian neighbours playing spoons accompanied by high pitch Hindu singing late into the night. Yes...I know, France embraces us all!
A Domain, Love Ros, Kate and Kim xxx
P.S Richard, the first picture is where Kate and Kim are staying.
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