Thursday 1 July 2010


Bon jour tout le monde!

As I write there is the sound of ten thousand drums coming from the apartment above. Band practice seems to be most evenings. I am wondering if the 94 year old lady, also above, is dancing around her walking stick.

Today I visited Avignon, the city of the popes from the middle ages. Very pretty with its tall plane trees lining the entrance from one of the 5 gates in the 4.3 klm medieval rampart that surrounds the old town. Avignon is noticeably different from the other towns because of the mixture of architecture, from 17th and 18th century Roman Baroque and 19th and 20th French classic. Absolutely amazing. Monuments line the streets and adorn the buildings. Its a photographers paradise.

Avignon has the same ol' Notre Dam Cathederal with its gilded Madonna looking over the city as in all the other places but the interior is different and interesting with its versions of Christ illuminated in the coffin with a dog licking his feet! The cathedrals reminds me of the Ken Follet book "Pillars of the earth".

Avignon also has a river and quaint narrow streets absolutely full of cafes and bistros. Tables and chairs are set up all over the town, under trees, down alleys. Its wall to wall restaurants.

Visited the Petit Palace and the famous Avignon bridge built in the 12th century. Jean, it was pretty hard to dance on the bloody bridge! But I did a little jig as you told me everyone has to dance on the bridge!

Luckily there was no manifestation today and I caught the TGV without hassle. Called into the local corner shop near the apartment, Monsieur gave me some olives in a container. Who said the French are arrogant. I feel more like a local every day.

Bon Nuit! Ros xxxxxxxxxxxx

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