After 26 hours of sleepless travel, and arriving in CDG Airport (a very dark, sombre and unwelcoming first view of Paris), our first thoughts were 'why are we here?'. BUT its amazing, after climbing up 4 flights of wooden stairs in an old apartment block and entering our petite (in every sense of the word!) shabby/chic apartment, we all of a sudden got a taste of Paris.
After a quick nap we hit the streets and our first stop was a quaint corner cafe where we indulged in a late lunch of French goats cheese salads with honey, roast chicken and fritz and of course some baguette.
After a rainy morning, the sun finally shone and we walked the streets, discovering market stalls and patisserie - a short French/English conversation, three chocolate croissants and two tarts later, we felt French.
Cant help but notice the tiny figures of all the women here who walk around the cobble stone rues in their best heels, cigarette in one hand, designer handbag in the other, and the men, very fashion forward wearing scarf's of every colour.
Tonight's plans are heading towards a pyjama clad gathering, finishing off the pistachio and fig tarts we bought today, and ending with a very early night!
Bonsoir, Mon amie.
Hi Ros, friend of Joy's, this is bringing home last October in Paris. Hope you keep it up and it is all fun fun.