Another beautiful day in Paris. After a bit of housework we did some shopping in the supermarket (where by the way we bought a bottle of Bordeaux vin blanc for 1.80e and a red for 2.40e, both good stuff). We sat on the pavement with many others, as you do, in the Brassiere and had a French salad for lunch.
Afterwards we went to Pere Lachaise Cimetiere where many of the giants of French arts, politics and culture are buried. We made a point of paying our respects to Jim Morrison from the Doors. He moved to France in 1971 to concentrate on writing but was found dead in the bath of his apartment (in the Le Marais neighbourhood). There was never an autopsy so it was not proven to be drugs although he had lost a lot of weight, shaved his beard off etc etc.
Both girls agreed it was more fun than the Eiffel Tower. It was a huge cemetery and before we could see Edith Piaf, Colett and Oscar Wild we were escorted out as it was closing time, 7pm! I had to leave my wilted flower for Edith with some poor bugger who died in 1758! We plan to return tomorrow.
Dinner tonight, 'A La French' in our apartment.
Love Ros, Kate and Kim xxx
Thinking today of Andrew Eime who is riding his bike from Perth across the Nullarbor with Graham Manou and three others from the cricket fraternity to raise funds for Tour de heart, Ride for life. Click on this link to see their blog, Everyday Hero.
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