This could only be an Eime blog sight. Yes we did take in some culture yesterday, apart from eating cakes!!!! Notre Dam....fantastic. boat ride on the Seine and the long walk up the Champs Elysees past all the designer showrooms to the L'arc de Triomphe. All very exciting (cold, windy and wet ) so much beautiful architecture at every glance.
One month is definitely not enough time to spend in Paris. Walking is fun, cobblestones can play havoc with your feet. People so friendly, even when referred to as an Italian by an incompetent Aussie trying to speak the lingo. Raelene, you would have had stitches if you heard the conversation I had with a Taxi driver. However it got us what we wanted and we made another friend. Joy, thanks for the bottle opener.Used it last night, would have been "Merde" without it!
We have walked so far during the day that we have fallen into bed early at night.Jutta, the apartment worked out at $57AUD each per night.(600e 5 NIGHTS) Its up on the 4th floor. Not good with the case! Its hilarious when we get to the bottom and have forgotten something. Its definitely in the best area though. I am unable to post emails from my email address but I can still receive them. When we set up a new address I will send you more info. xxxx
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